Pushing a new project in bitbucket first time: Follow this : https://ommune.com/kb/pushing-a-new-project-directory-
to-bitbucket-repository/ OR :: Locally, change to the root directory of your existing source. 1. Initialize the directory under source control. git init 2. Add the existing files to the repository. git add . 3. Commit the files. git commit -m "message" 4. Log into Bitbucket. 5. Create a new repository. 6. Locate the Repository setup page. 7. Choose I have an existing project. 8. Follow the directions in the pane for your repository. cd /path/to/my/repo git remote add origin https://your-username@bitbucket.org/
developers/repository-name.git git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master git push -u origin --all Note::: If following problem arises.. if said refusing to merge unrelated-histories while doing pull then git pull origin branchname --allow-unrelated-histories git pull --allow-unrelated-histories then do as mentioned.