Steps for deploying an application developed in java in production machine.
My requirements for production machine.
Server Os :Cent OS
Application Database: Postgres with audit log
Application Server: Payera server
JDK: jdk 1.8
1. get ip server(live) and ping
2. ssh server_username@server_ip_address
-enter password
- then logged in to sever.
3. use vi or any other editor to create any config file in server (eg:
- press a for editing mode
- press Esc for exist editing mode
- press :wq for save edit content and exit
4. set up database
- install postgres for centos.
- BigSql Postgresql installation site reference and install
- create tables, views and function through your database application
- connect using eg:
- clear audit log of database.
5. setup Pstgresql archives if necessary
6. setup PgAuditlog and enable if necessary
7. to start/stop database after login into server
- sudo systemctl start/stop postgresql96
8. install payera server from official link
9. install jdk from official link.
10. to start and stop server
- sudo asadmin start/stop/restart -domain domain_name
- to start as root and full permission
- sudo ./asadmin start/stop/restart -domain domain_name